CBR closed : Our journey toward our success

Our first step toward a successful CBR project involved careful planning to address the specific needs of the Caoayan community to ensure the success of our research. The photo captures our leader assigning individual tasks, ensuring a focused and effective research process. A candid shot of a collaborative efforts in making our CBR despite facing a huge problem. In this photo,we sadly started from scratch again because the U.S.B that we use to save our file unexpectedly to malfunction. Instead of regretting and complaning, we work all together to redo our C.B.R.. In this picture, our group is starting to do their individual taskes that have been distributed by leader, where in we are using the destop alternately to see some result for each part. We are also artenately using the destop to teach each other and have some opinions to make our CBR more appealing and more informative This is a another candid photo,wherein we are talking snacks while enjoying and talk...