This quarter 1 have so many fun experiencence towards my academic performance in subject I.C.T. There are so many new things that I discovered and get interested that have been stock to my mind. The history of the nternet, how the internet start, different pioneers around the world and their achievements in their professions that so incredible and so interesting to tackle on and lasty my favorite lesesson in the first quarter 1 about the Now, I will share my own reflection in my journey in quarter 1 I.C.T.

It just start of my journey in grade 10 I.C.T but there's so many things that shocked me even it is
just the start of my journey. First on the list is the internet timeline, which is so amusing to tackle because this talks about how the internet have been formed, how it start, and the things that it goes through in many years. Next things that learn about is the pioneers of different aspects, in general they are all amazing and should be praise by now because they play crucial reasons why our world is just like what it is right especially in technologies. I also learned the steps before how hard to have an internet access. I also learned about the services and tools that really got my attention. Lastly and my favorite discovery this quarter is creating a blog which is so exciting because it's my first time hearing this web and it is so very mindful and very demure.
With these knowledge that I gain, there are also problems and challenges that I encountered. First on the problems that really makes my academic performances so hard is the the timeline and the names and accomplishment of the different pioneers because of I am not good in memorizing events and years and sometimes I misspelled their names and where pioneers that they belong because I get confused by their accomplishments. Second on the list is my attitude because I hate memorizing years and names and making essays. Lastly, in school the computers are not functioning smoothly that resulted my works to be delayed. To sum up the problem that I've mentioned , I'am having a hard time understanding our lesson because I'm not that really good in computers.

With these given problems and challenges that I've faced, I believed that all problems have solutions.By that being said I've found solutions in my problems is not just reading the modules that given by our teacher, I should analyst it and understand and just remember the key points of every years, names and accomplishment. Given by the problem that I'am having a hard time memorizing the years and what happened in that year I found out that instead of memorizing all of the things in that year or years I'll just memorize or just remember what is really the real deal in that span of time. Being said that the computers in computer lab that isn't functioning very well, I ask our teacher if it is possible to do in our own laptop or computer in our house and she said yes , so that how I solved the problem that I've faced in this quarter. To solve this in general solution, I engage myself more in computers and to the lessons.

With these experience that I gain in the 1st quarter, I will take them as a lesson that I learned from my mistakes and challenges that I face. moving on, I will be more prepared what challenges that could I possibly faced and I will be more active and thirsty to learn in I.C.T because I know myself that I could do better than I've done in the 1st quarter. I'am also looking forward to learn new things and gain more exciting knowledge in subject I.C.T..
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