Reflection for the third quarter

The third quarter has come to a close, and as I reflect to my academic journey for this quarter. I does see some succession of my hardwork and dedication for this quarter, however the positive result that I got for this quarter is not as easy as you think, I ave experience many up and downs before seeing the result. So let me share to you my experiences for this quarter and my take aways.

I've discovered many incredible things beyond my expectations, especially in conducting Community Base Research, using html and css to present an output is beyond what I expect. I 've learned and improve my skills in using html tags and css and to become more patience in typing tags and finding resources about our CBR.

Yet, all my discoveries and learnings for this quarter is impossible without any downs in my journey. The problems that I've encountered for this quarter is my lack of patience, struggling in using css and lastly, our CBR parts have been deleted from the usb file of my  groupmates. With these problem that I encountered for this quarter, let me tell to you how I manage to concquered all of this. The solution that I come up with my lack of patience is I find ways not to notice how hard and long that I've been working for the activities. For example, Listening to a music, thinking possitively and thinking for motivational things that I could only do when I finish doing my activities. For my struggles on using css, I ask one of my friend to teach me how to do it and ask for some tips how to use it more efficient and effective. Lastly,  for the technical issue that happened, we just start from zero again, even though it's heart breaking we need to keep moving and striving.

Moving on, I'am looking forward to faces more challenges to improve my skills and persona. And I willl continue to workhard and apply what I learned for this quarter. And continue seeking for solution and always looking for the brighter side of every situation.



  1. Oh! I can see that you're really determined throughout your 3rd quarter journey!
    Dont stop and keep going, my dear friend :)


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